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Everescents Essential Oils 10ml - Harlequin Hair

Everescents Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

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For more information on Everescents Essential Oils visit: https://www.everescents.com.au/products/essentialoils

Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil provides a woody, musky aroma and is used in aromatherapy to boost feelings of support, clarity and renewed energy. The Oil can be used in massage to soothe sore muscles and joints and may also help to relieve tension. It is reputed to soothe and nourish the skin and may alleviate inflammation. Cinnamon shampoo varieties may also improve dry scalp or dandruff, as well as enhancing hair growth.
The Oil of Harmony
Positive Properties:
 Self-acceptance, harmony, intimacy
Blends well with: Pink Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang and Patchouli Essential Oils
Cinnamon Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves of the ‘True Cinnamon’ tree –– botanical names: Cinnamomum zeylanicum or Cinnamomum vervun –– and is distilled from either the bark or the leaves. Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest spices. In Middle-Ages Europe, it was a symbol of affluence and status, as only the upper class could afford stashes. Extraction Method Steam Distillation
Add a few drops to EverEscents fragrance-free shampoo, conditioner or treatment.

Keep out of reach of children. Store below 30°C. Not for internal use. For aromatic or topical use. Avoid sunlight for 12-24 hours after topical use due to increased sensitivity to sunlight.
 “This statement has not been reviewed or approved by The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or any other regulatory body. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease or illness”.